Publikationer: Artiklar & rapporter Läs mer om forskningen inom Blå mat i vetenskapliga publikationer och rapporter. Please enable javascript… “How to transport Ostrea edulis seed” IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, rapport C886, 2025, Hedensjö A., Strand Å. Please enable javascript… Satellitprojekt: ”Användning av riskhanteringsverktyg i primärproduktion av sjömat i Sverige: sjömat fiske vattenbruk riskhantering riskidentifiering, riskanalys” IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, rapport C880, 2025, Gustavsson, Frej, Lindblom, Erik, Strand, Åsa Please enable javascript… Satellitprojekt: ”Stillahavsostron som en ny livsmedelsresurs: Ett satellitprojekt inom Blå Mat” IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, rapport C865, 2024, Elisabet Henriksson, Åsa Strand Please enable javascript… “Brining as an effective method to stabilise sea lettuce (Ulva fenestrata) -impact on colour, texture, chemical characteristics and microbial dynamics” Algal Research, Volume 83, October 2024, 103700, Mar Vall-llosera, Sophie Steinhagen, Henrik Pavia, Ingrid Undeland Please enable javascript… “Still just a matter of taste? Sensorial appreciation of seafood is associated with more frequent and diverse consumption” Appetite, volume 198, 1 July 2024, Collier, E. S., Costa, E., Harris, K. L., Bendtsen, M., Niimi, J Please enable javascript… “Exploring seafood choices at the point of purchase among a sample of Swedish consumers” British Food Journal, volume 126 Issue 13, Exploring seafood choices at the point of purchase among a sample of Swedish consumers, Elena Costa, Penny Bergman, Jun Niimi, Elizabeth S. Collier Please enable javascript… ”Methodologies in Sensory and Consumer Sciences for the Evaluation of Seafood Products.” Chapter in Handbook of Seafood and Seafood Products Analysis. ISBN 9781003289401. Elena Costa, Elizabeth S. Collier, Jun Niimi Please enable javascript… ”Environmental and biodiversity performance of a novel single cell protein for rainbow trout feed” Science of The Total Environment, vol 907, 10 January 2024. Kristina Bergman, Markus Langeland. Please enable javascript… ”Novel Marine Ingredients for Aquaculture – Fish Nutrition, Physiology and Intestinal Health” Doktorsavhandling. ISBN 978-91-8069-513-8. Niklas Warwas. Please enable javascript… Satellitprojekt: ”Solid-state fermentation of side streams from Saccharina latissima” Rise Rapport 2023:152. Martina Bergentall, Unn Tjörnstrand, Karin Bjerre, Gunnar Cervin, Göran Nylund, Jenny Veide Vilg. Please enable javascript… ”Life Cycle Assessment of a large commercial kelp farm in Shandong, China” Science of The Total Environment, vol 903, 10 December 2023. Kristina Bergman, Fredrik Gröndahl. Please enable javascript… Satellitprojekt: ”Hållbarhetsutvärderingar av sjömat i Sverige – nyckelfrågor för mer behovsbaserade verktyg” Rise Rapport 2023:102. Sara Hornborg, Anna Axelsson. Please enable javascript… Nutritional and toxicological characteristics of Saccharina latissima, Ulva fenestrata… International Journal of Food Properties, vol 26-203. Maria Jacobsen, Marta Bianchi, João P. Trigo, Ingrid Undeland, Elinor Hallström & Susanne Bryngelsson Please enable javascript… Effects of whole seaweed consumption on humans… Frontiers in Nutrition, vol 10-2023. João P. Trigo, Marie Palmnäs-Bédard, Mar Vall-Llosera Juanola, Ingrid Undeland Please enable javascript… “The relationship between food neophobia and hedonic ratings of novel foods may be mediated by emotional arousal” Food Quality and Preference, vol 109, July 2023. Elena Costa, Elizabeth S. Collier. Please enable javascript… ”Beyond raw: Investigating alternative preparation methods as a tool to increase acceptance of oysters in Sweden” Future Foods, vol 7, June 2023. Elena Costa, Elizabeth S. Collier, Åsa Strand. Please enable javascript… Perspectives on aquaculture’s contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals for improved human and planetary health J. of the World Aquaculture Soc. Vol 54-2023. Troell, M, Costa-Pierce, B, Stead, S, Cottrell, R.S, Brugere, C, Farmery, A.K, Little, D.C, Strand, Å Please enable javascript… Satellitprojekt: ”Freshwater fish for Sweden” Loredana Malafronte, Ana Miljkovic, Martina Bergentall, Anne Normann, Jun Niimi Please enable javascript… ”A System for Autonomous Seaweed Farm Inspection with an Underwater Robot” Sensors, special issue “Underwater Robotics in 2022-2023”. Fredrik Gröndahl.